Tuesday, January 25, 2011


SIGN // 
There are 3 kinds of sign : the ICON, the INDEX and the SYMBOL.  a sign is a stimulus pattern that has a meaning.  The difference is in how the meaning happens to be attached to (or associated with) the pattern.

Defined by some sensory feature, A(directly visible, audible, smellable, etc) that correlates with and thus implies or `points to' B, something of interest to an animal.  All animals exploit various kinds of indexical signs.  Less sophisticated animals acquire them by natural selection.  More intelligent animals learn them.

Symbols (content words like nouns, verbs and adjectives) are (sound) patterns) that get meaning: primarily from its mental association with other symbols and secondarily from its correlation with environmental patterns.

This particular cover can fall in several categories.  It can be juxtaposed, title as a label, and romantic.  This is a room with chairs, nothing else.  Chairs are chairs, but simple tilt creates a whole new meaning between the two.

It could be argued that there is two much type for a cover.  Typically, a quote would be located on the back of the book, not the front.  It could be distracting from the simple composition that is already so great.
 This cover shows a great correlation between type and photo.  The shadows on the type really let it sit in the photo and become a part of it.  There is not too much color or type.  When passing by this, you want to know what exactly what the photo is of.  The simplicity is really working for this cover along with the consistent shadows.
This is an interesting twist on a simple photo.  A message is being put in place of something else, legs.  The message is somewhat creepy which makes the whole idea of the cover a little creepy.  Where are the girl's legs?  Does the message has something to do with the legs?  Is this girl alive?  It sparks questions that wouldn't be asked if the legs were just there.

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